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Re: What Microsoft "People Ready Business" means to me

____/ Dennis M. Hammes on Saturday 30 June 2007 19:06 : \____

> Dean G. wrote:
>> On Jun 28, 11:49 pm, We Play House Music <ilyasham...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>>Untrusted Computing
>>>Security Holes
>>>Cancel Cancel Cancel
>>>Blue Screen
>>>Internet Exspyware
>>>Black Screen
>>>MPAA/RIAA Sellouts
>>>Red Screen
>>>Selling Out
>>>Buffer Overflows
>>>Anal Rape
>>>Forced gagging oral
>>>Anal stretching
>>>No Reacharound

You should rename that poem "What mean Microsoft's people do to business"

"Bill Gates lends cash to buy newspapers - $350 million to MediaNews... Gates
involvement has been very behind the scenes. In fact many of those involved in
the deal didn'teven know he was one of the investors. It was carried out
through the Gates Foundation, the world's largest philanthropy outfit."


"Microsoft Belgium rang me yesterday (I don't think they realised it was a
public holiday here!)... The phone call yesterday was to confirm my address -
the laptop (a Sony Vaio - dunno which model or spec yet) is en route with
Vista Ultimate and Office Ultimate pre-installed."


"Valleywag today reported about a site tied to a Microsoft ad campaign where
the likes of Michael Arrington, Om Malik and others seemingly lend their
support to the "people-ready" catchphrase."


"Increasingly, employee bloggers are becoming Microsoft's primary evangelists.
They are certainly a group over which the company can exact some control and
which can spin information to Microsoft's advantage."


"Microsoft regularly flies customers and industry experts to its campus in
Washington to listen to the feedback given by those people... Microsoft
employees have taken a bigger leap and even contribute to other's blogs in the
expanding space of Blogosphere..."


"After feeling the power and increase of the Bloggers community in India,
Microsoft tries to trap and hunt Bloggers in India to buildup the blogging
community, for writing blog posts supporting towards Microsoft Technologies."


>> You forgot the three R's of the MS school of hard knocks : Re-try, re-
>> boot, and re-install.

What about restart application?

> Windows will now reformat your hard drive.
> To continue, press any key.
> To abort, press any other key.

Can't find the "Any" key.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    GPL'd 3-D Reversi: http://othellomaster.com
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