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Re: Japanese Government Embraces Open Source

____/ Freeride on Thursday 19 July 2007 05:48 : \____

> http://www.idm.net.au/story.asp?id=8617
>>July 17, 2007: Japan has become the latest country to have its government
>>openly embrace the OpenDocument format, making a shift to a new policy
>>structure that favours open source solutions over proprietary.
>>The Japanese government has adopted a new policy under which its
>>ministries and agencies will accept bids from software vendors whose
>>products support international open standards – a marked departure from
>>its earlier policy.
>>Previously bids were only accepted from products that offered services
>>similar to other proprietary software suites. The new policy makes the
>>adoption of open source standards a much higher priority – much to the
>>delight of the OpenDocument Format Alliance (ODF Alliance) which has
>>congratulated the country on the move.
>>“With its new interoperability framework, Japan is setting an important
>>worldwide example,” said Marino Marcich, ODF Alliance Managing Director
>>in a statement.
>>“By giving preference to open software formats such as ODF, it is saying
>>that information should be competitively priced, innovative, and easily
>>available to the widest range of people, now and in the future. We hail
>>Japan for its diligence and vision.”
> Open standards are a beautiful thing.

I am pretty sure that this is incorrect. I read the original press release too
quickly and thought that ODF was actually officially embraced. I then posted
this to Digg. It made the front page with a misleading headline (accidental).
It didn't have much effect, but a couple of publications seem to have reached
the same conclusion, this one included (unless there have been further
developments since). I posted a correction to COLA just moments after I had
made the mistake and also tried to correct it elsewhere.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Linux: most popular O/S, yet not most widespread
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