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Re: [News] City Migrates to OpenOffice.org, Europe Supports Open Standards

____/ Mark Kent on Wednesday 18 July 2007 16:00 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Migrating a city government to OpenOffice
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| Dave Richards is an IT administrator for a city government. The city has
>>| been using OpenOffice.org for about six years. Dave's a Linux guru, and
>>| helps run an elegant, efficient Linux network with a nice big server and
>>| lots of fairly old dumb terminals running OpenOffice.org at a very
>>| acceptable speed.
>> `----
> An excellent write-up, warts and all.  Interesting that the biggest
> problems were from people who refused to be trained...

Yes, resistance to change. Gates got them 'addicted'. Maybe we need to send
them to rehab now.

>> Support open standards in Europe
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| This summer second, revised version of the report has turned up which,
>>| contrary to the first version and contrary to the last two decades of
>>| net-based economic growth, removes much of the emphasis on open standards
>>| and even takes steps in the opposite direction -- away from open standards
>>| and formats.
>> `----
>> http://technocrat.net/d/2007/7/17/23358
> Why is the EC contracting out something as important as this to Gartner?
> They are an American company, clearly they have strong interests in
> trying to get EU citizens locked into the products of American
> companies.  There is no way that they can be considered to be
> even-handed in this.

Worse -- Gartner execs are friends of Microsoft. A lot of Gartner's business
comes from Microsoft as well.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Windows leaves me peckish
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