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Re: [News] Firefox Usage Beyond 20% in the Land of Microsoft, Says Mozilla

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Dr. Livingston
on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 14:50:32 -0400
> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> news:2945845.c7OCYIUgtk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Fortune iMeme: Firefox Has 100 Million Users, 20% Of U.S. Net Usage
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Speaking at the Fortune iMeme conference in San Francisco today, Mozilla 
>> CEO
>> | Mitchell Baker said the Firefox browser has been downloaded by about 15% 
>> of
>> | Internet users in the U.S., and accounts for about 20% of U.S. Internet
>> | usage; she says the numbers are higher in Europe. Overall, there are 
>> about
>> | 100 million people using Firefox worldwide, she says.
>> `----
>> http://blogs.barrons.com/techtraderdaily/2007/07/13/fortune-imeme-firefox-has-100-million-users-20-of-us-net-usage/?mod=yahoobarrons
>> There are many reasons why stats are inconsistent. Choice of sites, 
>> Windows/IE
>> zombies, and user-agent masquerading are among many more factors. Europe 
>> is
>> approaching 30% and a Web designer told me a couple of months ago that 
>> folks
>> in the field assumed IE has just 60% market share.
>> Days ago:
>> Firefox takes 28% market share in Europe
> So today marketshare *CAN* be measured for free applications.

No, it cannot; it can merely be estimated.  Several issues here:

[1] That page view: has it been done before by the same
    user, browser, and computer combination?  Not a
    trivial problem with NATs, multiuser systems, browsers
    emulating other browers, and programs emulating other
    computers with TAP/TUN.  (QEMU can even elicit a
    response from a DHCP server on our Windows network.)

[2] Does that page view include code 304 responses to
    If-Modified-Since?  In other words, the user might
    view the page on Monday morning, then view it again
    on Tuesday morning to refresh his memory.  If the
    page is unchanged that saves some bandwidth, but it
    might or might not count as a page view for the purposes
    of remuneration.

[3] The IE User-Agent: header includes Mozilla in its request:

    User-Agent:  Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)

    This is wrong on many levels, as it's IE6 (no Mozzie!),
    on Gentoo Linux (IES4Linux/WinE), and Mozilla is either
    version 2 (Firefox) or some version at or above 7, if
    it's anywhere in this particular browser at all.

    In an idealized world one might get something like

    User-Agent: IE 6.0 (Linux/i686 2.6.21; Gentoo 2007.1)

    but don't expect that anytime soon.

    For its part Firefox throws out

    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:
    Gecko/20070627 Firefox/

    which isn't unreasonable but is clearly redundant in spots.

    Presumably, the reasons are many for this User-Agent: string,
    but it's clear IE, at a naive level, is lying like a rug here,
    and Firefox isn't exactly being 100% honest either.

> Amazing
> because just the other day it couldn't be measured for a free app. It either
> couldn't be measured or it doesn't exist. It depends on which lintards lies
> you listen to.
> Funny how hypocrites like you are one day claiming that marketshare *CAN
> NOT* be measured for free applications when numbers show lienux to have
> somewhere around a 0.4% marketshare. But when the news is good (ala -
> Firefox) then magically marketshare suddenly *CAN* be measured.

Linux marketshare measured at a dollar level is probably
*less than 0.4%*, as most people pick up Linux for free
(or as close to free as one can get).  Assuming 90% of 1
billion desktops use Vista at $200 per, 5% use Mac OSX for
$100 per, and 5% use Linux for $1 per (the approximate
cost of the download, storage space, and installation,
if one's sophisticated about it), the total market is
$185.05 billion of which Linux is $10M -- 0.027% market
share from a dollar standpoint.

Since these numbers are completely made up, of course,
I for one don't know what the real numbers would be;
Vista in particular is competing against XP, in a sense.
But even if one assumes 50% of the market is using Linux
(at $1/download), and 45% is using Vista, one still gets
a paltry 0.52% from a remuneration standpoint.

So what should we measure?

> What a bunch of loonies you lintards are.

Of course we are.  That's why Vista is doing so well.
Here's one of its many glowing reviews.



[rest snipped]

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
fortune: not found

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