Gimp Tutorial - Mirrored Ball on Checkered Plane
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| Everybody knows that Mirrored Ball on Checkered Plane is the exclusive domain
| of 3D ray-tracers, in programs like Yafray and Blender and POVray, and in
| fact is such a cliche that it's the canonical first image you post in a
| POVray group as a rite-of-passage.
Gimp Tutorial - Metallic Text
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| I figured the old chrome-text tutorial over at the Gimp User Group site could
| use both an update and an enhancement of technique. Mine is done on Gimp
| version 2.2.13.
Gimp Tutorial - Pebbles
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| Here's a topic I don't see a tutorial on anywhere. While Gimp is NOT a 3D
| ray-tracer, it does have some plug-ins that perform simple 3D functions.
| We're going to exploit the "Map Object" plug-in for all it's worth, here.
| Then we'll look at a more common method.
Instrumented GIMP To Identify Usability Flaws
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| New users of the GIMP often become frustrated at the application's unwieldy
| user interface. Now Prof. Michael Terry and a group of researchers at the
| University of Waterloo have created ingimp, a modified version of the GIMP
| that collects real-time usability data in order to help the GIMP developers
| find and fix its usability problems.
Linux VS Windows usability.
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| It all boils down to knowing what you are doing. Trying to do anything
| without the required knowledge is hard and the professionals make everything
| look easy. I would say that in terms of usability Linux has the upper hand.
Gimp 2.3 (preview of 2.4)
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| The major change for this release seems to be a big usability
| overhaul. New defaults are now in place that make the Gimp look
| a little bit like Photoshop, but still has many features that
| make it unique.
Gimp Tutorial - Popout Photo
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| Really, this tutorial will be about masking: taking a photograph and
| separating a foreground subject from the background, for the purposes of
| doing something interesting with it.