Open-source firms need 'equal treatment'
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| To help boost the application of open source technology, which could in turn
| benefit local industry, the government needs to help out with better
| regulations, an IT firm says.
| Harry Kaligis, business and marketing general manager of Sun Microsystems
| Indonesia (SMI), said that although open-source firms had been given the
| freedom to grow, they were still often subject to "unequal treatment" by the
| government.
Judge for yourselves. Microsoft and the BSA seem to be lobbying and
manipulating the nation's politics.
[Indonesia:] Government to Review Cooperation with Microsoft
,----[ Quote ]
| The government will review the possibility of cooperating with PT
| Microsoft Indonesia in terms of software legalization process in
| all governmental institutions.
| This is because Microsoft is currently marketing cheap software,
| priced at US$3 or around Rp27,000 each.
| Cahyana Ahmadjayadi, Director General of Telematics Applications at
| the Information and Communication Department, said the review would
| not reduce the government's concern regarding open source software.
[Indonesia:] Govt pledges to pursue open-source software
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| In spite of a deal with the U.S.-based software giant Microsoft,
| the government pledged Wednesday that it would continue promoting
| the use of open-source software.
| [...]
| Kusmayanto said -- without mentioning Microsoft by name -- that
| dependence on one operating system would curtail the country's
| freedom to choose software most consistent with its own needs.
| [...]
| The deal has, however, come under fire, including from the House
| of Representatives, with critics arguing that it will create a
| monopoly for Microsoft, and undermine the government's own IGOS
| program, which encourages the use of free open-source software
| for the public sector.
IGOS, MS, or both: let's debate it
,----[ Quote ]
| The government is at best merely being pragmatic with the deal --
| realizing the widespread use of pirated software products in
| government institutions -- and is therefore trying to correct this.
| It is a decision that has, however, weathered criticism for
| likely giving Microsoft's proprietary software products an unfair
| advantage for use in publicly funded government services, and
| sidelining the use of free/libre and open-source software (FLOSS),
| which the government has actually been encouraging through its
| Indonesia Goes Open Source (IGOS) program.
| [...]
| The Business Software Alliance (BSA), an industry lobby group of
| proprietary software vendors with Microsoft as its main backer,
| ranks Indonesia's piracy rate at 87 percent and the world's third
| highest after Vietnam and Zimbabwe.
| [...]
| But the validity and accuracy of BSA's piracy ratings and studies
| have also come under criticism recently, from the respected
| business weekly The Economist, among others.
| It is these concerns that has made I Made Wiryana, one of Indonesia's
| noted FLOSS advocates, advise the government not to take for granted
| that the deal with Microsoft will benefit development of the
| country's IT sector.
| [...]
| "We also have to consider the actual benefits from the deal's
| implementation compared to the costs we will be making, when the
| use of open source software can also reduce piracy and save costs."
Open source, closed mind
,----[ Quote ]
| It recently launched the Indonesia Goes Open-Source Nusantara 2006
| package, which provides desktop software based on Linux Fedora Core 5
| and with the ability to operate applications such as Open Office for
| text documents, Firefox for Internet browsing, Thunderbird for email
| and Gaim for chatting.
| The ministry's website also lists a range of open-source software
| material, domestic and foreign, from which material can be downloaded
| for free.
| Furthermore, the use of open-source software cuts down on piracy,
| which is as prevalent in this country as the use of computers.
Sofyan: Open Source Hampers Government's Activity
,----[ Quote ]
| The Department of Research and Technology will involve eight
| universities as developing agents of Indonesia GO Open Source
| (IGOS) program. They include Bandung Institute of Technology,
| Sepuluh November Institute of Technology, Gadjah Mada University,
| University of Indonesia, Udayana University, Deli Polytechnics,
| Batam Polytechnics and President University.
Open-source system sought for SMEs, ministries
,----[ Quote ]
| To help protect intellectual property rights and reduce costs, the
| State Ministry for Research and Technology is urging state
| institutions, and small and medium enterprises to adopt open-source
| software for their computers. The Information and Communications
| Ministry had already saved on its IT budget after deciding
| to migrate.
Computing systems for business: Linux or Mac?
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| "It was annoying, the spams and the virus. It slows down my work,
| which relies heavily on e-mails. I can get and send 50 e-mails a day,
| but because of spams my inbox is sometimes crowded with hundreds of
| e-mails, some carrying virus," Ruthie said.