raylopez99 wrote:
> There's the first class, People Who Know What They are Talking About
> and are Objective about Linux, including Hadron Quark and Ghost in the
> Machine, among others.
> There's the second class: People Who Love Linux with an Uncritical
> Passion, which includes most end users of Linux.
> There's the third class: Promoters and Bashers of Linux, including
> Roy and myself.
> Some of these three classes overlap.
> Long story short: none of this is going to help Linux get market
> share. Linux can only get market share if MSFT makes big mistakes,
> like forcing DRM down every PC user's throat, instead of just
> business' throat.
> So essentially the game is for MSFT to lose, not for Linux to win.
> Not good for the Linux franchise.
> RL
Not sure I agree with your last point Ray. Microsoft are already forcing DRM
down every PC users throat. They are already losing, especially with the
Vista catastrophe. This is very good for every distro.