cc wrote:
> On Jul 10, 11:04 am, BearItAll <s...@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> can you tell us please what compelling reasons they are for
>> keeping MS Windows?
> As soon as someone codes quality substitutes for the apps I use, I'm
> done with Windows. Try to remember that the millions who care very
> little about security now using Windows, would be millions who care
> very little about security using another OS. It can't be worse of
> course, but no one's really sure it would be all that much better.
Yes I agree that many of them don't care, but it still affects us who do, it
also affects those who don't care. It has often been the case that the
ignorant have to be protected for their own good my the erm {damn damn
damn, can't think of a word thats the oposite of ignorant :) }.
Your bank details are probably right now on some sales reps computer who's
job is to ring you up and try to sell you a loan or something. The fact
that he is carrying our details around with him is bad enough, but then
when we add that he is very likely on an XP machine, maybe the bank have
insisted on checking that his security software is up to date, maybe they
haven't, very likely he is concidered a 'Trusted consultant of the bank',
so works for himself and his computer is his own responsibility. But even
if he or the bank is diligent in keeping his security up to date, his
security vendor is telling us all publicly that they are no longer able to
properly protect his computer.
We all know that sales reps, what ever title they come under, are
notoriously lax when it comes to their computers. They all get bored in
computer rooms. Then when you ask them to bring in their laptops to be
checked out, they are remarkably clean, which means that they have got some
software that makes sure you can not see what they have been up to. But a
fully clean machine is in itself a huge clue because you know for a fact
that they have been on webmail, group site and other regular sites used for
This man from the bank is affecting us, his mate who works at Lloyds is
affecting us, every employee of every company who keep any data of value on
a Windows PC is affecting us.
But in the end it isn't their fault, their OS should be protecting them.
That is where I am going with this, that a certain level of security is
going to be have to forced onto people. I don't care really if that is in
Linux or in Windows or Mac, I honestly don't care which OS people use. But
I do care that I am put at risk by the weaknesses of an OS that it seems no
one can control anymore. That is why I believe it has to be taken out of
MS's hands, they have proven themselves incapable over many years at
protecting their users.
That is what I want to see changed and I am absolutely certain that until
Windows security is given to some other software house, then Windows
doesn't stand a chance of improving.