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[News] Community Linuxes Gain Attraction, Benefit from Forks and Derivatives

  • Subject: [News] Community Linuxes Gain Attraction, Benefit from Forks and Derivatives
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 15:21:30 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Community Linux on the Rise 

,----[ Quote ]
| Study highlights trends in the usage and adoption of open source. 


The Future of Gentoo Linux (My Opinion)

,----[ Quote ]
| But the real big question on my mind, as the proprietor of a new start-up IT 
| company, will Gentoo Linux have a future or will another fork of Gentoo, such 
| as Sabayon Linux assume the role to provide support for a possible 
| Gentoo-based Enterprise Server?    



How Canonical Stays on the Light Side

,----[ Quote ]
| By focusing on enabling users, and keeping the commercial interests of 
| Canonical separate from the interests of the community, Shuttleworth hopes to 
| avoid the fate of another company who once upon a time was very interested in 
| user enpowerment.   
| "I think what ultimately went wrong... was the desire people have to win 
| supersedes all else. As soon as you get that, then you get a sort of 
| pathological level of behavior where people's actions and the decisions that 
| they are making ensures they will continue to win," Shuttleworth said.   
| That company? Microsoft.
| Clearly Shuttleworth does not to walk the same path as Ubuntu anCanonical 
| become more successful with the passing days, and his company reflects the 
| vigilance to avoid such a fate.  


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