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[News] Red Hat Linux Gets Windows Interoperability 'Behind Microsoft's Back'

  • Subject: [News] Red Hat Linux Gets Windows Interoperability 'Behind Microsoft's Back'
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 03:05:49 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Red Hat plays Qpid for message queuing

,----[ Quote ]
| As previously reported, Red Hat has also been working on interoperability 
| with Microsoft's Windows, particularly in the area of running Windows as a 
| virtualized operating system on Linux. "Since the GA release [of RHEL 5] 
| we've done a lot of integration work with the expectation that before the end 
| of the year we'll deliver Windows interoperability on top of RHEL," he said.    



Halloween Memo I Confirmed and Microsoft's History on Standards

,----[ Quote ]
|  By the way, if you are by any chance trying to figure out Microsoft's policy 
|  toward standards, particularly in the context of ODF-EOXML, that same 
|  Microsoft page is revelatory, Microsoft's answer to what the memo meant when 
|  it said that Microsoft could extend standard protocols so as to deny 
|  Linux "entry into the market":    
|    Q: The first document talked about extending standard protocols as a way 
|    to "deny OSS projects entry into the market." What does this mean? 
|    A: To better serve customers, Microsoft needs to innovate above standard 
|    protocols. By innovating above the base protocol, we are able to deliver 
|    advanced functionality to users. An example of this is adding 
|    transactional support for DTC over HTTP. This would be a value-add and 
|    would in no way break the standard or undermine the concept of standards, 
|    of which Microsoft is a significant supporter. Yet it would allow us to 
|    solve a class of problems in value chain integration for our Web-based 
|    customers that are not solved by any public standard today. Microsoft 
|    recognizes that customers are not served by implementations that are 
|    different without adding value; we therefore support standards as the 
|    foundation on which further innovation can be based.          


Microsoft absent from open standards movement around SOA

,----[ Quote ]
| Now, a new series of SOA standards is headed to OASIS, ones that could 
| create a whole market segment around SOA common programmatic principles, 
| but Microsoft is nowhere in sight. The absence of Microsoft from the 
| Service Component Architecture (SCA), and its sibling Service Data 
| Objects (SDO), definitions process can mean one thing: Microsoft will 
| pursue its proprietary approach of baking pseudo-SOA into its 
| operating system stack as long as it can.


,----[ Quote ]
| [Microsoft:] ...we should take the lead in establishing a common
| approach to UI and to interoperability (of which OLE is only a part). Our
| efforts to date are focussed too much on our own apps, and only incidentally
| on the rest of the industry. We want to own these standards, so we should
| not participate in standards groups. Rather, we should call 'to me' to the
| industry and set a standard that works now and is for everyone's
| benefit. We are large enough that this can work.


FLOSS Weekly 14: Jeremy Allison of Samba

,----[ Quote ]
| 'In the section of the interview from around 33m30s to 39m00 Jeremy
| Allison reports how he was told that the Microsoft team implementing
| SMB2 were ordered to "f**k with Samba".'


Microsoft used undocumented Windows APIs - Iowa testimony

,----[ Quote ]
| 'All I can say is holy API batman...I'm not kidding...we are talking
| about literally 500-800 APIs here, no joke,' he wrote.
| Alepin had earlier claimed that Microsoft ran special demonstration
| programs whose sole purpose was to crash rival products and alleged
| that the company had subverted developers who used Microsoft's
| version of Java 'thinking they were developing multi-platform
| applications, but were actually developing Windows-specific
| applications'.


Jury Hears Microsoft Competition Suit

,----[ Quote ]
| A judge on Friday told jurors they must accept as fact that a
| federal court found in 1999 that Microsoft holds a monopoly over
| computer operating systems and that it restricted computer
| manufacturers' ability to use competing systems.
| [...]
| She said she'll show that the company used its monopoly power
| to exclude competition and control prices and that it conspired with
| other companies to restrain trade, maintaining what she called a
| chokehold on software competitors and computer manufacturers.
| "It isn't illegal to be successful," Conlin said in opening
| remarks. "We applaud that. ... But you can't freeze out competitors
| and punish and retaliate against people who cooperate with
| competitors. Microsoft did all that and more."
| Conlin warned jurors that she would say some unflattering things
| about Microsoft and its billionaire founder Bill Gates, who
| serves as company chairman.
| [...]
| Conlin's first 3 1/2 hours of opening arguments delved deeply into
| computer industry history and how Microsoft fought off competitors
| attempting to design rival software.


ECIS Accuses Microsoft of Plotting HTML Hijack

,----[ Quote ]
| An industry coalition that has represented competitors of Microsoft
| in European markets before the European Commission stepped up its
| public relations offensive this morning, this time accusing
| Microsoft of scheming to upset HTML's place in the fabric of
| the Internet with XAML, an XML-based layout lexicon forn
| etwork applications.


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