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[News] [Rival] Vista Not "High Quality Right out of the Gate" Like Microsoft Told Us

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Vista Not "High Quality Right out of the Gate" Like Microsoft Told Us
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 02:38:58 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Here's the list of fixes in those new Vista fix packs

,----[ Quote ]
| Why the secrecy around these fix packs? All I can do is refer you to 
| Microsoft’s statement on wanting to eliminate SP1 disinformation. That’s all 
| that the company will say officially and publicly for now.  



Microsoft Nixes 'Big Bang' Service Pack For Windows Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| A senior Microsoft official said the company doesn't plan to issue a major 
| service pack for Windows Vista because the operating system is "high 
| quality right out of the gate."


Microsoft admits Vista screwed - report 

,----[ Quote ]
| Vista SP1 is code named "Fiji", presumably after a pretty looking
| island which is paralysed by coups.
| In a statement regarding the service pack Microsoft admits that
| Vista has "high impact" problems.


,----[ Quote ]
| "Up to 60% of the code in the new consumer version of Microsoft new Vista
| operating system is set to be rewritten as the Company 'scrambles' to fix
| internal problems a Microsoft insider has confirmed to SHN... Microsoft has
| also admitted that it has major problems in it's Windows division and has
| has immediately initiated a total restructure of the division..."


MS Insider: The Office Crew Isn't Smart Enough to Supplant Real Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| "With Alchin retiring, MarkL and MarkZ, two of the most talented
| architects in MS already having left, the picture gets really
| ugly for the Windows division," my friend claimed, and the BV's
| core team members, Ian McDonald, Jack Mayo, Todd Wanke, Clyde
| Rodriguez and others are starting to connect the dots.
| [...]
| He concluded ominously. "A trainwreck of biblical proportions looms.
| Pick a good seat on the sidelines, trainwrecks this large take
| awhile to complete. Vista may be the last MS OS for some time to
| come, especially if Cutler decides to play hardball."


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