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Re: Digg spurns Google for young Microsoft ..

> No, my post indicates that I am a Linux advocate, advocating Linux and
> demoting the competition, in a Linux advocacy group. I am not invading
> non-Linux forums/groups/threads/blogs with anti-Windows or pro-Linux
> rhetoric, unlike the Trolls in this group, and Windows zealots elsewhere.
> So ... what is *your* motivation ... for defending Windows Shills in the
> Linux Advocacy group?

You've written quite a piece there, far too much to comment on but
I do agree with some of it.
My disagreement is with Linux supporters who call every Tom, Dick and
Jane a Windows shill because my understanding of a shill is a person
who is working for someone or some company that has a stake in what
is being discussed, in this case Windows or Linux, but does not
reveal that he is associated with said person or company.
For example Ballmar posting in COLA under a assumed name and
saying how great Windows is.

I just don't see this happening to the extent that Linux
advocates are claiming and in fact if you compare the reputation
that the Linux community has for being zealots to that
of the Windows community it's no contest. Linux users
for whatever reason have a reputation for that kind of stuff.

As for defending Windows shills, I don't defend anyone but
I also don't accuse people willy nilly of being paid shills
without some verifiable proof.

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