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[News] Two Examples Where Choice in Linux Saves the Day, Produces Better/Other/Evolutionary Paths

  • Subject: [News] Two Examples Where Choice in Linux Saves the Day, Produces Better/Other/Evolutionary Paths
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2007 17:41:16 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Gentoo Founder: Your Choices with Gentoo

,----[ Quote ]
| If you don't like the way Gentoo is going and are feeling the urge to switch 
| distros, consider Sabayon Linux. Sabayon is a desktop-oriented Gentoo with 
| great hardware support. Too bloated, you say? Geared towards desktop users, 
| you say? Well, did you know that Fabio added a base "stage3+" gui-less 
| install image to the latest 3.4 build of Sabayon, which is basically an 
| enhanced vanilla Gentoo? And this basic install is even a more recent build 
| than 2007.0. If you're sick of Gentoo the organization but not comfortable 
| leaving Gentoo the distro, make a statement by using the Sabayon base install 
| and help to make it a long-term viable alternative to Gentoo proper. Let 
| people know that you are using Sabayon, not Gentoo. Sure, Sabayon is a 
| derivative of Gentoo, but it's also separated enough that there is an 
| opportunity to do something new.            


The Disconnect That Could Fail Thousands

,----[ Quote ]
| Knowing that this isn't right, I thumb thru the seventy or so Live CD disks I 
| have and grab the one I know that gets this right...but wait. It only trails 
| Ubuntu in the Distrowatch lineup by a few hundred hits...what about, oh, I 
| don't know...let's try something obscure...let's go down the line a bit. 
| Let's see who is well down the list there...It needs to be a debian distro, 
| something that doesn't get too much publicity...Oh, let's try this.     
| DreamLinux.
| Upon firing it up and doing an immediate install, imagine my surprise.
| Without so much as having to install KdiskFree or any other third party 
| disk/file manager, whaddaya know...there are my drives and files. I then 
| install KDE since DreamLinux is an Xfce environment by design. Yep, a click 
| on the /mnt/ file shows all my drives right there...   



Why Having 500+ Distros is a Good Thing

,----[ Quote ]
| Perhaps next time the author might think about what they're
| saying...because limiting the number of distros out there is
| absolutely NOT the way to go to accomplish anything other
| than limiting innovation.


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