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Re: Roy Schestowitz is a new-age hero

On Jul 27, 2:25 am, flyer <fl...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In article
> <23d7624be7ebaffffe9f7bd7504ad...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> fr...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx says...
> > His virulent posts exposing that criminal company (convicted several
> > times) Microsoft are stunningly accurate and full of truths. Roy, the
> > Linux community owes you. You are our front-line PR man and BillG is
> > reading your posts every single day whilst grinding his teeth since he
> > knows every one of your posts is bringing the day closer that Microsoft
> > will be liquidated.
> I haven't been on newsgroups forever, but I've never seen anything so
> effective as Roy's posts.
> Considering the degrading nature of Microsoft to anything it touches,
> many can consider themselves indebted to Roy. I do.
> He's telling the truth loud enough to make a huge difference.
> Too bad Gates the drug king can't do a single thing about it. Darn shame
> it is.

Yeah, the last I heard Gates was shaking with fear over someone who
spams a linux newsgroup read by 10 people who already use linux anyway.

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