Does Your Company Suffer From Tech Addiction?
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| Beatzel has started to look into upgrading to Windows Vista and Office 2007,
| the new versions of Microsoft’s operating system and productivity software
| (word processing, spreadsheets, etc). But the current versions work fine, she
| says; Beatzel is perfectly content with the status quo and is convinced
| everyone else would be content, too, if no one had any idea something newer
| was out there. Nonetheless, she knows that her firm will end up spending more
| than a million dollars on an upgrade sooner rather than later. “No one ever
| says, let’s slow down and make this an eight-year cycle,” she laments.
Bold Redesign Improves Office 2007 But Learning Curve May Be Too Steep for
Some Users
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| "it requires a steep learning curve that many people might rather avoid.
| In my own tests, I was cursing the program for weeks"
Office 2007 may be Microsoft's Titanic: former Government IT boss
,----[ Quote ]
| Bill Gates has been talking up Office 2007 ahead of its business launch
| on November 30. However, the recently departed deputy CIO of one of
| Australia's biggest government Microsoft sites believes introducing
| the new version of Microsoft Office may be the company's biggest
| ever disaster.
Question: why do I need to upgrade to Office 2007?
,----[ Quote ]
| Much has been said and written about Microsoft's "bold", "gutsy",
| and "innovative" initiative of releasing Office 2007, an office
| productivity suite with a totally new user interface. However, the
| question that is bound to be on the lips of every user will be: "why
| do I need to upgrade?" Microsoft doesn't really have a good answer.
| [...]
| Microsoft, however, claims to have come up with something better
| and more intuitive - the Ribbon. Such a claim begs the question:
| "If the new user interface of Office 2007 is so intuitive, why does
| it have a learning curve?" And it does have a learning curve - a
| very steep learning curve.
Office 2007 Review: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back - Part 1
,----[ Quote ]
| I've been using Office 2007 for a couple of weeks and I'm convinced
| that Microsoft missed an opportunity to change the way we relate to
| software by taking one step toward radical change, but ultimately
| failing when it came to implementation.
Vole redesigns our Office space
,----[ Quote ]
| It's hard to define, but the new office suite feels good and is
| comfortable to use. That said if your requirements don't stretch
| beyond the normal usage of the odd letter, a spreadsheet to
| balance your budget and some email then there isn't a lot to
| recommend forking over cash for Office 2007, when there are
| several free options out there are increasingly attractive
| and compatible with Office documents.
| The Good
| Ribbon interface quite intuitive
| Interface is attractive and easy to use
| The Bad
| Quite expensive
| Free applications available that can perform the same tasks
| No major improvements over previous versions
| The Ugly
| Too many components seem solely designed to leverage synergies or something
| No option to revert to old interface
Is Imitation The Sincerest Form of Flattery?
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| As many as 8 of the top 10 benefits of Microsoft Office 2007
| provide capabilities that have already been addressed by Corel
| WordPerfect Office X3. Some "new" features of Microsoft Office
| 2007 have even been part of Corel WordPerfect Office for
| close to a decade!