On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 18:51:15 +0000, 7 wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Linux is Easier to Install than Windows!
> You notice the pro Micoshaft Corporation Shills have left COLA in search
> of revenue elsewhere on this subject.
> They have well and truly lost another milestone.
> They lost technology superiority of the desktop more than a year ago. Ease
> of install they lost years ago, but have fought an asstroturfer rear guard
> action to keep up the pretences. Now they don't bother.
It does appear that Linux is becoming easier to install. Where Microsoft
has really missed the boat is installs on older machines in the
1 to 1.5 GHz range. There are a ton of these machines still in service
and now with the new distros like Ubuntu people are hanging on to
these systems where before they would have gone to the junk pile.