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Re: Vista sales continue to surge!

____/ waterskidoo on Sunday 22 July 2007 13:53 : \____

> On 2007-07-20, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> That's it. I'm filtering all posts from Outlook Express.
>> FWIW, Microsoft changed the way it reports earning, so it's comparing apples
>> (last year) with oranges (this year). Nice play, but it only fools the
>> investors, who are not stupid (they are just not as clever as most people
>> because they think MSFT is worth investing in).
>> *plonk*
> Bad idea IMHO.
> Pretty soon you with all the filtering goig on their won't
> be anyone to talk to!!
> Seriously, my advice is to debate the reasonable posts
> and simply ignore the flame bait.
> As for investing in MSFT, the market is going wild
> at the moment and people are making tons of money.
> Last I heard, the average amount made by investing
> at the start of the year to present hovers
> around 17 percent.This is for the market in general.
> That's a lot of profit, and it's the average.
> It will crash and as usual the greedy middle
> class person will burn but the rich will
> still be rich when the smoke clears.

There's the commission to take into account as well and bear in mind that there
is cheating. A Microsoft exec (VP?) got caught stealing money from investor
last week (inside trading).

The stock market is like a casino. Only the few who end up making a buck will
actually speak out and brag.

About trolls: do not reply to them. The only ones that get filtered or ignored
are those who come here to fight /against/ Linux. When you feed them, you
encourage their participation and implicitly endorse their behaviour.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Useless fact: Sharks are immune to cancer
http://Schestowitz.com  |  RHAT GNU/Linux   |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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