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[News] Firefox Derivative Can Grab Old Windows PCs, Beats Opera

  • Subject: [News] Firefox Derivative Can Grab Old Windows PCs, Beats Opera
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2007 15:36:50 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Firefox Lite: Old PCs can crush IE

,----[ Quote ]
| I want to see the Fox cripple IE's dominance and give every user, regardless 
| of their machine, the security and Web experience they deserve. Give the 
| Celerons and the K6s some of the power back and let light users rediscover 
| what it's really like to rediscover the Web with Firefox.   


I used to run Firefox 1.0 on just 32 MB of RAM (400MHz AMD). It was fine.

5 things I’d like to see in Opera

,----[ Quote ]
|    1. An updater. At less than 5 MB, Opera installer is remarkably small
|       to include not only a web browser and an email client. But nothing
|       beats an automatic 500KB update download. Users shouldn’t have to worry 
|       about updates.
|    2. Extensions. One of the main reasons I prefer Firefox is that it starts 
|       from the belief that it can’t be the ideal browser for everybody, so it     
|       can be tweaked and customized until you drop.
|       [...]


Blog tag: 5 things I’d like to see in Opera

,----[ Quote ]
| 5 things I’d like to see in Opera:
|    1. Auto-update feature – would make updating Opera for non-tech savvy 
|    users much easier and simpler. 
|    2. Ad blocker – Although I’ve mentioned before that no browser would ever 
|    add an ad blocker, I think there should be a simple way to click and 
|    install a list of ads to block.  
|    3. Better Widget integration into the browser – I would like to see some 
|    open APIs built into Opera, which would give Opera Widgets more 
|    interaction capabilities with the browser.  


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