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Re: Linux: Don't Leave Home Without It

__/ [ chrisv ] on Sunday 10 June 2007 15:29 \__

> Was at a party last night, and the issue of non-working PC's came up
> again.  My suggested solution?  Linux, of course.
> Seems like everywhere I go, someone is asking me to wipe the virus-
> infected Microshit off their PC and get them back on the Internet.
> Looks like I'll need LiveCD's in the car at all times, so I can stop
> telling people "next time I'm here".

Have you considered creating a second (Linux) partition as well while you
have this opportunity? Not only does it enable the user to reach Windows
next time it fails to bootstrap, but it also encourages the feeble to
experiment at times of anger, frustration (e.g. in case of another virus
attack and Registry takeover), or curiosity ("I hear Dell started selling
Linux, so maybe I should really try booting into that other partition and
see what it's all about"). To many people, a full migration starts with an
experiment which is worth investing in because it's within hand's reach
(e.g. ShipIt, friends with CDs, spare PCs, dual-boot PCs).

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Useless fact: penguins are the greatest birds
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