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[News] [Rival] More Security Issues in Windows Applications

Buggy ActiveX controls menace Yahoo! Messenger

,----[ Quote ]
| ActiveX controls - so often the source of Internet Explorer flaws - 
| are the font of two newly discovered flaws in Yahoo! Messenger.


CA in malformed archives malware risk

,----[ Quote ]
| CA has updated its anti-virus software to guard against a brace of 
| flaws that created a means for hackers to turn the security
| protection software against its users.


Hackers Blamed for Data Breach That Compromised 300,000

,----[ Quote ]
| A hacker broke into the computer network at the Illinois Department 
| of Financial and Professional Regulation this past January and 
| accessed a server that held information on about 1,200,000 people
| who have licenses or applied for licenses with the department.


Not too certain which platform/breach is to blame, but it's usually Windows.


Month of ActiveX bugs project begins with two Office flaws

,----[ Quote ]
| A hacker known as shinnai kicked off his "Month of ActiveX Bugs"
| (MoAxB) project with a bang by exposing a number of severe
| vulnerabilities affecting OCX controls in Microsoft Office.


Way Too ActiveX

,----[ Quote ]
| Today, over at Symantec's Security Response Weblog, Greg Ahmad
| reveals startling--and I do mean shocking--increases in ActiveX
| vulnerabilities. According to Symantec, ActiveX vulnerabilities
| stayed in the 12- to- 15-a-year range from 2002 to 2005. For
| 2006, the number of vulnerabilities "reached 50," with 42 in
| the second half of the year--coincidentally, the same time
| period Microsoft finished up and released Internet Explorer 7.


Acer puts Active X hole on laptops 

,----[ Quote ]
| Laptop outfit Acer seems to have placed an Active X control on its
| computers that seems to allow webpages to execute any program.
| This huge hole in network security has been installed on board Acer
| lap-tops since 1998.


Adobe Confirms 'Critical' Reader, Acrobat Exploits With IE

,----[ Quote ]
| A critical security vulnerability in an ActiveX control used by
| Internet Explorer could allow malicious hackers to use Adobe's
| Reader and Acrobat software to launch PC hijack attacks,
| according to a warning from Adobe Systems.


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