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AISE Stats: 29/05/2007-06/05/2007

  ¤  Times are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +0:00

  ¤  Statistics span a period of approximately 7 days
     and are automatically generated every Tuesday

  ¤  Subject line formatted consistently "AISE Stats: <DATES>"

  ¤  Killfile <subject contains "AISE Stats: "> if uninterested
Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 165 messages written between 2007-05-29 01:54:23 and
2007-06-05 17:47:32

Quoters (includes people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                                       Msgs   Ratio
   1. hackingresearch@xxxxxxxxx                                     3  72.32%
   2. canadafred <canadian_web@xxxxxxxxxxx>                        12  66.00%
   3. Denise <dionyza@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                 12  62.44%
   4. Big Bill <bill@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                  17  62.16%
   5. Tonnie Lubbers <t.prasing@xxxxxxxxx>                          8  41.14%
   6. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                 21  39.91%
   7. Jezsta Web Productions <Please-use-our-contact-form@jezsta    4  39.70%
   8. T.J. <no1@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                                       4  37.17%
   9. Ikannz Bantisls <bantisls@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                   4  37.02%
  10. dk_sz <dk_sz@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                     4  36.99%
  11. Andrew Heenan <andrew3@xxxxxxxxxx>                            5  35.74%
  12. The Gobbling Goblin <customerservices@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>      8  34.51%
  13. Phil Payne <phil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        3  28.14%
  14. alazo1 <alazo1@xxxxxxxxx>                                     3  21.58%
  15. Dimensioniseo <varun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                          3  18.45%

A total of 147634 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 56613,
or 38.35%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name                                               Msgs    Bytes Quoted
   1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         21    34185  39.9%
   2. Big Bill <bill@xxxxxxxxxxx>                          17    12833  62.2%
   3. Denise <dionyza@xxxxxxxxxxx>                         12     9847  62.4%
      canadafred <canadian_web@xxxxxxxxxxx>                12     8755  66.0%
   5. The Gobbling Goblin <customerservices@houstoncraft    8     9264  34.5%
      Tonnie Lubbers <t.prasing@xxxxxxxxx>                  8     4212  41.1%
   7. Andrew Heenan <andrew3@xxxxxxxxxx>                    5     1651  35.7%
   8. Jezsta Web Productions <Please-use-our-contact-for    4     3106  39.7%
      dk_sz <dk_sz@xxxxxxxxxxx>                             4     1879  37.0%
      Ikannz Bantisls <bantisls@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>           4     1856  37.0%
      T.J. <no1@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                               4     1087  37.2%
      hiruma333 <hiruma333@xxxxxxxxx>                       4      272
  13. 8os.8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                  3     2887   7.8%
      alazo1 <alazo1@xxxxxxxxx>                             3     2572  21.6%
      hackingresearch@xxxxxxxxx                             3     2352  72.3%

A total of 55 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least
three messages)

Place Name                                        Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
   1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 20541 /   21 =   978  39.9%
   2. 8os.8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx                         2663 /    3 =   887   7.8%
   3. The Gobbling Goblin <customerservices@houst  6067 /    8 =   758  34.5%
   4. alazo1 <alazo1@xxxxxxxxx>                    2017 /    3 =   672  21.6%
   5. Jezsta Web Productions <Please-use-our-cont  1873 /    4 =   468  39.7%
   6. Tonnie Lubbers <t.prasing@xxxxxxxxx>         2479 /    8 =   309  41.1%
   7. Denise <dionyza@xxxxxxxxxxx>                 3699 /   12 =   308  62.4%
   8. dk_sz <dk_sz@xxxxxxxxxxx>                    1184 /    4 =   296  37.0%
   9. Ikannz Bantisls <bantisls@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  1169 /    4 =   292  37.0%
  10. Big Bill <bill@xxxxxxxxxxx>                  4856 /   17 =   285  62.2%
  11. canadafred <canadian_web@xxxxxxxxxxx>        2977 /   12 =   248  66.0%
  12. Phil Payne <phil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        733 /    3 =   244  28.1%
  13. hackingresearch@xxxxxxxxx                     651 /    3 =   217  72.3%
  14. Andrew Heenan <andrew3@xxxxxxxxxx>           1061 /    5 =   212  35.7%
  15. Dimensioniseo <varun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          517 /    3 =   172  18.5%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject                                                    Msgs   Bytes
   1. :-( :-( What Happened to AISE?                               16   19196
   2. Help with this website                                       15   11817
   3. New Web Directory - Free URL submission                      11    9626
   4. Google Doesn't Talk to Its Client Services?                   9   11869
   5. Exalead.                                                      8    4513
      Ror Sitemaps                                                  8    3637
   7. Alexa rank                                                    7    5269
      links in Google Webmaster Tools?                              7    3629
   9. AISE Stats: 22/05/2007-28/05/2007                             5   10493
      micro site advice                                             5    4620
      h1, h2, h3 and css                                            5    3437
      Top-50 keywords?                                              5    1676
      http://www.real-article.com/addurl/addurl.htm                 5     545
  14. sitemap size and granularity                                  4    2703
  15. referer question                                              3    4549

A total of 48 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program                              Msgs
   1. G2                                     54
   2. Microsoft Outlook Express              33
       6.00.2600.0000:2 6.00.2900.3028:31
   3. Forte Agent                            25
       1.91/32.564:8 4.2/32.1118:17
   4. KNode                                  22
       0.10.2:1 0.7.2:21
   5. Thunderbird                     8
   6. Mozilla                                 4
      Xnews                                   4
       2006.08.24:3 5.04.25:1
   8. Thunderbird                    3
   9. http:                                   2
      Thunderbird                     2
  11. 40tude_Dialog                           1
      MicroPlanet Gravity                     1
      Pan 0.130                               1
      MT-NewsWatcher                          1
      Virtual Access Open Source              1

A total of 15 different programs (not counting different versions) were

Postings per weekday

Day        Msgs
Monday       17 ************************
Tuesday      42 ************************************************************
Wednesday    40 *********************************************************
Thursday     28 ****************************************
Friday       17 ************************
Saturday     12 *****************
Sunday        9 ************

Postings per hour

Hour       Msgs
0000-0059     4 ***************
0100-0159     7 **************************
0200-0259     8 ******************************
0300-0359     6 **********************
0400-0459     8 ******************************
0500-0559    10 *************************************
0700-0759     5 ******************
0800-0859    10 *************************************
0900-0959    16 ************************************************************
1000-1059     7 **************************
1100-1159     1 ***
1200-1259     4 ***************
1300-1359     3 ***********
1400-1459     7 **************************
1500-1559     4 ***************
1600-1659     8 ******************************
1700-1759     5 ******************
1800-1859     9 *********************************
1900-1959     8 ******************************
2000-2059     7 **************************
2100-2159     2 *******
2200-2259    12 *********************************************
2300-2359    14 ****************************************************


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