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[News] [Linux] Schools in Russia Install Linux

Experiment: first schools install Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| "If the results are positive, the committee will suggest installing 
| Linux in all schools", Igor Bazlov added.



Russian schools abandon Windows after piracy scare 

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft says that the incident has nothing to do with them, but it 
| appears that Russian schools in the area are so scared about being shipped 
| off to a Siberian Gulag, that they are buying Linux gear instead.
| [..]
| According to Karpushin, schools would start using freely distributed
| software like the Linux OS, Russky office and Open office desktop apps,
| Ekho Moskvi reports.


Linux and Windows in Russian schools

,----[ Quote ]
| I just noticed this blog entry (in Russian) from an advanced Linux
| user, where he offers free help to every teacher (or their boss) 
| who'd like to start teaching Linux, and gives a few links to
| other such projects, such as "The winter Linux school for teachers"
| (in Russian) organized by ALTLinux together with a few other
| institutions. A few other projects do exist. Hopefully, such
| projects, together with the "antipiracy" campaign will lead to
| more Linux and open source in Russian schools.


Russian Government Will Migrate to OpenSource

,----[ Quote ]
| Russia decided to follow after EU countries, where opensource
| solutions are more spread then in Russia. Currently, some Russian
| companies can offer their own Desktop Linux OS (the major companies
| are ASPLinux, ALTLinux, Linux-Online and LinuxCenter).


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