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Re: [News] [Linux] Xandros Sought "Private Peace With the Invader"

Linonut wrote:
After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out this bit o' wisdom:

GPL3 author calls for open source solidarity

,----[ Quote ]
| But Moglen told vnunet.com in a video interview that some in the | community will be tempted to make a "private peace with the invader". | | "Divide-and-conquer strategies are built around the weakness that | it is in the interest of some people to make a private deal for | safety and abandon communal defence," Moglen said.



Microsoft's Protection Racket?

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft should have admitted that Linux matters sooner. For years, | the Redmond, Wash.-based software giant seemed to be in denial as | the open-source operating software made gains against its Windows | franchise.


Microsoft is a bunch of double-dealing four-flushers.

   "The real question: Which software developer will sign a deal with
   Microsoft next?"

The funny thing here:  isn't Xandros an investment of Corel, who bought
Wordperfect from Novell, and put both Wordperfect and its own Linux to
sleep, while announcing (in 2000) a partnership with Microsoft and
accepting $155 million from Microsoft in a disguised buyout in 2004?

And weren't many of SCO/Caldera's executives ex-Novell?

See Roy's compatriot's "The Usual Suspects, the Game" in

Here's an article about these corporate parasites of Free software:


These guys all /hate/ each other, and yet they're constantly in bed

Quote from the above article:

   By this time Microsoft had entered the ring, and had invested $135
   million in Corel in a partnership deal which, from this distance in
   time, looks not unlike Microsoft's November 2006 deal with Novell.
   Shortly thereafter, and no doubt co-incidently, Corel divested itself
   of its Linux distribution, and discontinued support for WordPerfect
   and CorelDraw on Linux. The company has struggled ever since, having
   long lost the edge in the graphics market to Adobe and Macromedia,
   and the office market to OpenOffice and Microsoft Word.

   Corel Linux slipped through the net, was bought by a venture capital
   group, and re-emerged much further down the road, with a new name,
   Xandros, and a new identity. (and, it transpires, as of June 2007, a
   patent agreement with Microsoft)

Jeanette wrote:
Corel pulled out of all Linux soon after the Microsoft Deal with Word Perfect.

They have no interest in Xandros.

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