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[News] [Linux] The Rise of the Anti-Linux Flamebait Trolls

Do not feed the troll

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux people tend to look up and understand technical issues, and even 
| legal ones such as the differences between patent, copyright, and 
| trademark. If you've been reading Linux sites and software licenses 
| for a while, you pick up the basics. And magazines don't hire fact 
| checkers any more, and if a magazine pays a columnist less, doesn't 
| edit his work, and calls it a "blog" they can hold it to a lower 
| standard of quality anyway.
| [...]
| Please. Do not feed the troll. Comment forms equal hits and money. 
| If you must respond, email the publication's editor (be sure to put 
| in "NOT FOR PUBLICATION") and post your comments--use "nofollow" 
| links if you choose to link--on your own blog or on a competing 
| site. The Mainstream IT Media is becoming more and more driven by 
| raw traffic numbers, and as editors see good results from trolling, 
| they'll tend to rely on it more.


ZDNet has a lot of these flame-then-make-up Linux trolls (/a la/ John


Too late to discredit open source, advocates say

,----[ Quote ]
| "It's too late," exclaimed Winston Damarillo, founder and
| chairman of software development firm Exist Global, in an
| interview with Computerworld Philippines. "Open source
| is all over the place."
| [...]
| Anson Uy, president of Touch Solutions (a Red Hat Linux company),
| earlier on broke the news to Computerworld Philippines about the
| alleged "funded missions" by some software firms to discredit open
| source, although he did not identify any company.
| Anson revealed among the top three actions against FOSS are being
| done through "sponsored studies, piracy of open source developers,
| and bold press releases."


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