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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Only Copies and Markets, Never Ever Innovates

First-Mover Disadvantage

,----[ Quote ]
| For that matter, Microsoft has a history of succeeding by not being 
| first. Digital Research developed the first desktop operating system, 
| called CP/M. But Bill Gates upstaged it in the competition to supply 
| an operating system for ibm's pc. Gates didn't even develop the 
| original DOS; he bought the program from Seattle Computer Works for 
| $50,000. His genius wasn't so much in coding as in marketing.


Why Microsoft's innovation is only Surface deep

,----[ Quote ]
| In fact, according to Bill Buxton - ironically a Principal Researcher 
| at Microsoft's own research centre - these kinds of multi-touch 
| interfaces have been around for over twenty years. Perhaps the 
| Surface Computing marketing guys at Microsoft should check out 
| Bill's web site.
| [...]
| According to the BBC, "Microsoft said it aimed to produce cheaper 
| versions for homes within three to five years". And despite the 
| sterling work of the likes of Philips et al, Microsoft have also 
| claimed to be "the first major technology company to bring surface 
| computing to market in a commercially ready product". These 
| conflicting statements seem to raise question marks over quite 
| how far Microsoft have actually got. Only time will tell whether 
| or not these demos are just smoke, mirrors, cameras and projectors.


Once again, the Beeb pays the Bill.



Beeb slammed for 'fawning' to Bill Gates 

,----[ Quote ]
| BBC viewers have flooded the corporation with complaints over how it
| covered the launch of Microsoft Vista earlier this week.
| In one cringingly servile interview worthy of Uriah Heep, the
| Beeb's news presenter Hugh Edwards even thanked Gates at the
| end of it, presumably in appreciation at being allowed to give
| the Vole vast coverage for free.
| In other TV news items presenters excitedly explained how Vistac
| ould be obtained and installed - details courtesy of the BBC's
| website.
| But British viewers, currently forced to pay a £131.50 licence
| fee to maintain the BBC's "impartiality", were less than impressed.
| Scores got in touch to complain that so much was Auntie up Bill's
| bum that you could barely see her corset.


Brits! Act now to save the BBC from Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| The BBC are holding an open consultation regarding how they're
| going to delivery on-demand content, they want answers to
| questions like: "How important is it that the proposed seven-day
| catch-up service over the internet is available to consumers who
| are not using Microsoft software?"


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