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[News] [Linux] Best First-Person Shooter Releases New Version

Nexuiz 2.3 released

,----[ Quote ]
| Yesterday Alientrap released a new version of the 3d deathmatch game 
| Nexuiz.


Linux Game Review: Planet Penguin Racer 

,----[ Quote ]
| It was originally released in 1999 under the GPL and did very good 
| for a while before its creators eventually took the project public 
| and closed the source in an attempt to sell it on the open market.  
| In doing so the project died, but was briefly reborn as Open Racer 
| when fans of the original game took the last released GPL'ed source 
| code package and tried to pick up the project again. 


Choosing proprietary routes leads to self destruction. See?


First-Person Shooters

,----[ Quote ]
| In summary, the clear overall winner is Nexuiz. It offers the best 
| graphics, the most playing variants and the best single player mode.
| OpenArena comes next, but may be the better choice if you don't have
| a machine fast enough for Nexuiz. PrBoom is only an option for true 
| Doom enthusiasts or people with really slow computers.


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