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Re: [News] [Rival] Steve Ballmer: Some Things Should Only Work in Windows

[H]omer wrote:
Jim Richardson spake thusly:
Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
Roy Schestowitz wrote:

3 Reasons Why The OLPC Project has Microsoft Running Scared

Here's a reason why EVERYONE should be running scared. 1) Millions of NIGERIAN children with free PC's. There's a reason most of the 419 scams come out of nigeria, and now having millions of people with computers to run such scams
will only make things worse.

That has got to be the most stupid, reprehensible, irresponsible, and bigoted thing I've ever seen coming from you. Congratulations, you've reach an all-time record low in depravity.

The world's two biggest spammers of all time were Scott Richter and Alan Ralsky, and what nationality were they again?
Americans, right. Therefore we should ban the sale and use of
computers in America ... right? We should also ban the sale and use of Microsoft Windows in every country, since nearly all spam worldwide is transmitted through Windows zombie botnets ... right? In fact Microsoft, the world biggest criminal organisation, is also American, so let's just cut straight to the source and ban Microsoft ... Hell, let's just ban America - it seems to be the cause of most of the political friction, pollution, poverty, corruption, and war in
the world, after all.

Homer, the hook has been set, all you need to do is let it run .... :-)

Cheers, Rafael


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