Dr. Shlongwell wrote:
>> It is only now, where things have been destroyed that people are
>> gradually coming to the realisation that the be best things in life are
>> free.
> What a nice cliche's - "The best things in life are free." Good health
> isn't free, it requires excercise and a healthy diet. Quality food isn't
> free. Despite what you may think clean air, water, etc aren't free either.
> They're paid for indirectly.
There was a time when clean air and water abounded. Unfortunately, people
didn't care about them because they didn't have to pay for them. Now that
they have all been fouled and you have to pay if you want clean air and
clean water, suddenly they are of some value.
Good food can be grown in you own garden, but most people don't give food
from their own garden much value either. Besides, there is some effort
involved. This is the other problem.
Windows was made to be as simple as possible by eliminating all those silly
things like security. After all, She'll be right. They can't see the code
so there is no way they will ever discover the weaknesses ;)