On 13 Jun, 05:26, "[H]omer" <s...@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> > __/ [ dapunka ] on Tuesday 12 June 2007 23:41 \__
> >> On 12 Jun, 15:18, chrisv <chr...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>> Just kill-file the worthless troll.
> >> If I could, I would. Unfortunately I use Google Groups to read Usenet,
> Get a SuperNews account FFS. It's only $3.95/month.
I'm not using Google Groups cos I'm too tight to get a proper Usenet
account. I have to use a mobile phone as a modem due to my
accommodation, and the network doesn't provide a news server.
But I think I'll be able to figure out how to use this ggkiller. I'm
not a complete idiot.