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[News] [Rival] Gartner Analyst Tells EMC to Let VMWare Go Away (More Microsoft Shilling?)

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Gartner Analyst Tells EMC to Let VMWare Go Away (More Microsoft Shilling?)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 17:16:36 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Analyst to EMC: If You Love VMware, Set it Free

,----[ Quote ]
| "It is unbelievable how much time Microsoft has allowed VMware to 
| grow," Bittman remarked. "I also believe if Microsoft does things 
| right, they can eliminate the challenge," Bittman said.


Shill-dar goes wild.


Proprietary vs Open Source: The Fight Continues

,----[ Quote ]
| Asheesh Raina, principal research analyst for Gartner's Software Group 
|                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| said, "We believe that Microsoft is strengthening its patent portfolio
| to rectify the exploitation of its Intellectual Property (IP) by
| technology providers that generate substantial revenue from OSS
| including Linux."


Gartner: Businesses should be wary of iPhone

,----[ Quote ]
| Analyst Gartner claims the iPhone could "punch a hole" through 
| corporate security systems if workers are allowed to use the 
| phone for work purposes.



NY Times bans Microsoft analysts from Microsoft stories

,----[ Quote ]
| If the paper would prefer not to quote an analyst who has
| experience with a client, it did a poor job. Silver is Gartner's
| vice president in charge of client computing. Microsoft happens to
| do lots of business with Gartner and also happens to have a
| client-software monopoly. We're guessing that Silver knows
| Microsoft's products well and has direct involvement with the
|                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| company.
| ^^^^^^^
| And, sure enough, he appears a number of times on Microsoft's
| own site and thousands of times in stories about Microsoft.
| Jim Murphy - wait for it - covers Microsoft too and is even more
| prolific than Silver.
| [...]
| Part of the problem stems from the reticence of companies such as
| IDC and Gartner to reveal their clients. That should make everyone
| nervous, but it doesn't. So called objective technology publications
| keep publishing material bought by vendors without telling you this.
| They're also too lazy or scared to ignore the likes of Gartner and
| IDC until the firms change their disclosure rules.


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