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[News] Linux-based OSD Gets YouTube

YouTube on the TV with the OSD

,----[ Quote ]
| Neuros is certainly not the only ones bringing net video to the TV, but we 
| are probably the only CE company doing it with open source. Nowhere is the 
| intersection between free software and free speech more obvious. If the 
| connection between the internet and the TV falls into the hands of a 
| proprietary vendor's closed solution, then the hard won free speech victory
| of he internet will fall far short of its ultimate potential.     


So, it's not just Apple TV now. Linux has YouTube streams too. Even though this
one is a hacker-friendly unit, Apple TV has fallen 'victim' to the same thing.


Apple TV hacked already 

,----[ Quote ]
| Enthusiasts from Something Awful forum were annoyed by the general 
| lack of third party movie support for Apple's latest product, Apple
| TV - and went on to create something useful with it. Awkward and
| Sabretooth modified Apple's little box and got it working with
| Xvid files with no problems.


Linux is running on APPLE TV

,----[ Quote ]
| I've got the linux kernel booting on my Apple TV. It was not easy,
| but after reading over the information on how they got it workin on
| the mac mini, I was finally able to figure out how to make it work
| on the ATV also.
| There are sevral changes that need to be made to the lilo bootloader
| just to get it to boot the kernel. It does not boot fully into linux
| yet, but it gets pretty far before giving a kernel panic. There are 
| still a lot of drivers missing that will need to be compiled in to
| get it to boot up all the way, but this is a start.


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