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Re: [News] [Linux] Another User Likes His New Dell Linux

____/ Jamie Hart on Wednesday 27 June 2007 11:06 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in
> news:2096327.IIo6XZ01cH@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
>> ____/ AB on Wednesday 27 June 2007 01:26 : \____
>>> On 2007-06-26, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>>>> ____/ Linonut on Tuesday 26 June 2007 12:49 : \____
>>>>> I don't think you need to [Linux] tag Linux stories.
>>>> You're right. I have the habit of leaving out the tags when it's
>>>> hard to decide which theme it suits. I'll drop the Linux tag, I
>>>> guess, making it an 'implied'.
>>> Personally, I think they could all go.
>>> I don't recall what exactly started you using them, but I strongly
>>> suspect it was either directly or indirectly caused by the griping of
>>> trolls.* To /hell/ with what they do or don't want!
>>> * For example, Timmy, who bitch(ed|es); Hardon, who bitch(ed|es);
>>> Ewik, who bitch(ed|es); so on.
>> Yes, blame the trolls, I guess.
> Hey! I resent that.
> You added the suplementary tags because, while I (and others, I can't
> remember who) like to see linux news, I don't want to read stuff about
> Microsoft or windows.
> Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, you can get rid of everything except
> the [rival] tag.  I still filter on that.

Yeah, I remembered this seconds after I had posted the previous message. It was
actually something that was intended to help separate types of posts. I'll do
just that then...

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Y |-(1^2)|^(1/2)+1 K
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