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[News] [Linux] KDE Runs Gracefully on Aging Laptop, Attracts Many Sponsors

  • Subject: [News] [Linux] KDE Runs Gracefully on Aging Laptop, Attracts Many Sponsors
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 02:36:17 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
KDE Built For Speed -- Vector Linux 5.8 SOHO

,----[ Quote ]
| I never imagined KDE could run smoothly or quickly on my laptop. Every 
| other Linux distribution I’ve tried gave me sluggish performance and 
| forced me to look at lightweight desktop environments like Xfce. Vector 
| Linux offers speed and stability combined with a KDE desktop and user 
| friendly tools. Is Vector Linux 5.8 SOHO perfect? Heck, no! There are 
| some caveats, especially for new users, and I’ve done my best to lay 
| those out. For the experienced user or the new user who isn’t afraid 
| to ask questions I don’t think you can find a better Linux 
| full-featured distribution than Vector Linux 5.8 SOHO. You 
| certainly can’t find a faster one.


aKademy 2007 Sponsors Announced

,----[ Quote ]
| It costs a lot of money to host a conference of this size, but as in 
| previous years our industry partners have stepped up and made it 
| possible through generous sponsorship. 



KDE 4: the ultimate business desktop?

,----[ Quote ]
| Since beginning as a one-person project over ten years ago, the
| fourth generation of the K Desktop Environment (KDE) is poised to
| be the most business-friendly open source desktop to date with a
| host of new features ideal for enterprises.
| [...]
| Rodda is also bullish about KDE 4's ability to attract more commercial ISVs
| to port applications to the environment, primarily because of the
| multi-platform capability that comes with using Qt 4.


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