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[News] Ron Schenone (Microsoft MVP) on Vista Driving People to Linux

Vista - Even The Experts Are Giving Up On It

,----[ Quote ]
| This may be a time for people to explore alternatives like Mac or even
| Linux. I just installed PCLinuxOS 2007 beta on a test system and right
| out of the box (actually, it's a free download), it worked perfectly.
| Go figure. And, again, it's FREE!


Related (Chris Pirillo, MVP):

An Open Letter To Jim Allchin (from Chris Pirillo)

,----[ Quote ]
| Jim,
| Congratulations! Seriously. I'm glad that you finally got Windows
| Vista out the door, but I'm equally as thrilled to know that you're
| working on releasing SP1 by the end of this year.


Vista's UI is Better Than This!?

,----[ Quote ]
| Watch and drool. By the way, you can try this on your own PC right now!
| I'm not yet sure how to unlock every one of these visual effects, but
| damn - XGL is impressive...


Vista backlash grows; key advocate moves back to XP

,----[ Quote ]
| Chris Pirillo just broke up with Windows Vista, saying, "The shipping
| version of this OS is late beta, at best."
| Jason Busch did the same: "It's an absolute travesty that
| Microsoft would have released such a half-baked product."


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