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[News] All Your Medical Data is (sic) Belong to Microsoft

Microsoft, DOD to build medical data warehouse

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft isn't doing this for the money. According to the article,
| no funds are changing hands. But the company will get to work with data
| -- a lot of it.


Good comment:

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft isn't doing this for the money.
| No, but when they're done that's going to be an awful lot of DoD data
| that won't be accessible without Microsoft's cooperation.


Didn't the US Government throw a lineline to SGI because of unfortunate
dependence? Also see:

our data or your life

,----[ Quote ]
| As unlikely and alarmist as this sounds, it could really happen. Intracare
| is the publisher of a popular practice management system called Dr. Notes.
| When some doctors balked at a drastic increase in their annual software
| lease, they were cut off from accessing their own patients? information.
| This situation is completely unconscionable. There can be no truly
| open doctor-patient relationship when an unrelated third party is the
| de facto owner of and gatekeeper to all related data.


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