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[News] eBay Accuses Microsoft of Cybersecurity Issues (What About SPAM, Browser Failures?)

eBay accuses Microsoft and Yahoo of cybersecurity failure

,----[ Quote ]
| Banks, online merchants and technology vendors must work together
| to prevent security problems such as phishing attacks and data
| breaches, eBay President and CEO Meg Whitman said yesterday.


They don't mention the brute force which enables 30 trillion E-mails to be
sent per year (with pace constantly rising), let alone browsers like IE.


Spam Made Up 94% Of All E-Mail In December 

,----[ Quote ]
| "The major event in communications security is the emergence of
| botnets. This has changed the game, the dynamics, and economics
| of the Internet security marketplace. When the bad guys can now
| harness more than a million computers around the world and use
| them to push an increasing amount of attacks, that's a major
| change."


Botnet 'pandemic' threatens to strangle the net

,----[ Quote ]
| Cerf estimated that between 100 million and 150 million of the
| 600 million PCs on the internet are under the control of hackers,
| the BBC reports. 


School email's out across UK

,----[ Quote ]
| The system was being upgraded because spam had been overloading and
| slowing its system. Between May 2006 and February 2007 the number
| of messages being passed through its school email service had
| increased almost fourfold, from 550 messages per minute to 2,000
| messages per minute. About 85 per cent of these were spam, it said
| in a refreshingly informative explanation of the outage.


SEC goes after stock spammers, hackers

,----[ Quote ]
| "When spam clogs our mailboxes, it's annoying. When it rips
| off investors, it's illegal and destructive," SEC Chairman
| Christopher Cox said in a statement.


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