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[News] IBM to Donate Safari to Open Source Community

IBM Safari to help developers navigate languages

,----[ Quote ]
| Seeking to assist software developers coping with many languages, IBM
| plans to offer its Safari technology to the Eclipse open source 
| community, an IBM official said at the EclipseCon 2007 conference
| on Thursday.



Oracle opens arms to TopLink developers

,----[ Quote ]
| Oracle has issued a fresh chapter in its quixotic open source strategy
| by fully opening a key piece of its Java application server and
| database technology.


Open-source Eclipse barrels down Ajax path

,----[ Quote ]
| The Eclipse Foundation, an open-source consortium, on Tuesday
| detailed three projects designed to make Ajax-style Web
| development easier.


Teamprise Joins Eclipse Foundation

,----[ Quote ]
| Teamprise, provider of the popular suite of applications for accessing 
| Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server from within Eclipse and 
| on UNIX-based platforms, today announced that it has joined the Eclipse 
| Foundation as an Add-In Provider.


Eclipse executive chides Microsoft on interoperability

,----[ Quote ]
| Commenting on Microsoft, Milinkovich said Microsoft sends 
| representatives to EclipseCon every year. Eclipse and Microsoft
| officials in attendance then agree that a meeting ought to be set
| up between the two sides. But afterward, "they never call,"
| Milinkovich said.


Developers' use of open source Eclipse doubles

,----[ Quote ]
| The adoption rate of the open source Eclipse integrated development
| environment has more than doubled in the Europe, the Middle East and
| Africa region, industry analysts have revealed.


Developers Embrace Java, Drop Visual Basic 

,----[ Quote ]
| Use of Visual Basic has dropped 35% since the spring, says a
| poll of more than 430 North American developers done by research
| company Evans Data.
| [...]
| Developers have abandoned Microsoft's Visual Basic in droves
| during the last six months, and they're using Java more than any
| other development language, according to a recently published
| survey. 


Google joins Eclipse Foundation

,----[ Quote ]
| Google's Open Source Program Office (including Greg Stein, Chris
| DiBona, and Zaheda Bhorat) pulled the deal together between Google
| and the Eclipse Foundation in October.


Five Years On: The Future of Eclipse  

,----[ Quote ]
| Even IBM admits it didn't expect its Eclipse open source project for
| building enterprise Java tools would grow as fast as it did.
| [...]
| By January of 2004, Eclipse was re-organized as an open source
| foundation and an independent organization.


Eclipse Is Still Going Strong

,----[ Quote ]
| In the intervening years, the Eclipse open-source development
| platform has grown well beyond the IDE space, branching out into
| areas such as reporting, modeling, AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript
| and XML) development, SOA (service-oriented architecture) tooling,
| RCP (rich-client platform) technology, team development, and
| support for other languages beyond Java.


Eclipse: A Billion-Dollar Baby?

,----[ Quote ]
| "Historically enterprise software has been sold through [a]
| direct salesforce channel. ... We're starting to see success
| in open source software products in areas which have been
| traditionally the realm of the direct salesforce. Those
| environments or those products have very, very low cost of
| sales, so as customers get more used to that, I think that
| over time, there are going to be fewer and fewer software
| salesmen."


Eclipse Adoption on The Rise

,----[ Quote ]
| With the EclipseWorld conference kicking off this week in Boston,
| it would be easy to think the open source Java tools project is
| everywhere.


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