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Re: Cyberstorm:Homeland Security fails again

  • Subject: Re: Cyberstorm:Homeland Security fails again
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2007 06:24:21 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / Netscape
  • References: <1173357338.718175.154980@v33g2000cwv.googlegroups.com> <1173361665.7985.0@damia.uk.clara.net>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [ BearItAll ] on Thursday 08 March 2007 13:47 \__

> Angelocracy.com wrote:
>> http://www.angelocracy.com/
>> Hackers would be able to get into FAA computers and other key
>> systems.
>> http://www.angelocracy.com/
> "The government needs to place a ban on the Windows operating system and
> use Linux on all desktops and servers."
> I wonder what their overall structure looks like. Many links to many places
> no doubt, but high volume secure communications is built in to UNIX, a
> Linux kernel for higher than normal volume comms is all they need to put
> Linux in that possition. Hardly rocket science these days.
> Firewalling, what easier firewall and traffic control is they than Linux.
> I don't claim to be as clever as the bods at the top of the IT depts
> involved in this, but there must be something perculiar going on for them
> to be having such difficulty.
> Even if their users want or demand Windows servers, there is no reason why
> those servers couldn't be wrapped within a protected UNIX/Linux network
> layer. Though really they should be no reason why the users should know
> what sort of server they have.
> I think they has to be more involved in this story, perhaps the IT are
> dealing with inherited systems that don't marry well so ends up more
> vulnerable than it should be. Maybe they are not given a choice as to the
> sort of servers they have to include, maybe too they have no choice but to
> allow different connected systems to use what ever means of communications
> their own IT dept stick a pin into.
> What ever the reason, it can't really be that hard to whip the various
> networks or systems into a single coordinated system, if they don't line up
> they don't get access. I'll whip the buggers into line, give me the job Mr
> Bush, I only require $tons in pay and a villa in miami (on the beach) and a
> raindeer sausage for breakfast each morning. Do I need a villa in
> California too I wonder, well, just a small one to see if I like it, not
> sure if I'd be keen to live next door to Britney or Tom Cruise, one wears
> no knickers and the other is forever pregnant.

I remember that experiment the OP is referring to:

Homeland Security not ready for Cyber Storm

,----[ Quote ]
| In June, the Business Roundtable issued a report saying that "the
| United States is not sufficiently prepared for a major attack, software
| incident or natural disaster that would lead to disruption of large parts
| of the Internet" and that coordinating a response to such an attack
| or disaster should be turned over to the Department of Homeland
| Security.


But there were real incidents (not experiments) recently. Here's a bit of
what I have in store:

Homeland Security sees cyberthreats on the rise

,----[ Quote ]
| To test the nation's response to a cyberattack, the Department
| of Homeland Security plans to hold another major exercise,
| called Cyberstorm II, in March 2008, Garcia said. A first
| such exercise happened early last year.


Zombie botnets attack global DNS servers

,----[ Quote ]
| Hackers launched a sustained attack last night against key root servers
| which form the backbone of the internet.
| Security firm Sophos said that botnets of zombie PCs bombarded the
| internet's domain name system (DNS) servers with traffic.
| "These zombie computers could have brought the web to its knees,"
| said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos.


EveryDNS, OpenDNS Under Botnet DDoS Attack

,----[ Quote ]
| The last time the Web mob (spammers and phishers using botnets)
| decided to go after a security service, Blue Security was forced
| to fold and collateral damage extended to several businesses,
| including Six Apart.


'Storm Trojan' ignites worm war

,----[ Quote ]
| Among the multiple second-stage components downloaded to Windows
| PCs compromised by Peacomm, said Stewart, is a DDoS module that
| can be enabled at will by the attacker and aimed at any site. The
| January target list included spamnation.info, which was knocked
| offline for eight days starting Jan. 12. The better-known spamhaus.org
| was an indirect victim, too.


U.S. cyber counterattack: Bomb 'em one way or the other

,----[ Quote ]
| If the United States found itself under a major cyberattack aimed
| at undermining the natio's critical information infrastructure,
| the Department of Defense is prepared, based on the authority of
| the president, to launch a cyber counterattack or an actual 
| bombing of an attack source.


Read the last reference again, if necessary.

To justify the OP's stance:

Botnet 'pandemic' threatens to strangle the net

,----[ Quote ]
| Cerf estimated that between 100 million and 150 million of the
|                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| 600 million PCs on the internet are under the control of hackers,
|                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| the BBC reports.


Linux Security: A Big Edge Over Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux is better at locking down a computer than Windows. The Linux OS
| uses configuration settings and user permissions to a much more
| efficient degree than the Windows administrator account. To do
| this, non-enterprise users should seek help from third-party
| security suites that serve as configuration managers, James
| Bottomley, chief technology officer of SteelEye Technology said.


Security Report: Windows vs Linux

,----[Executive summary ]
| Finally, we also include a brief overview of relevant conceptual
| differences between Windows and Linux, to offer an insight into why
| Windows tends to be more vulnerable to attacks at both server and desktop,
| and why Linux is inherently more secure


Microsoft Windows: Insecure by Design


If Only We Knew Then What We Know Now About Windows XP

,----[ Quote ]
| You can think of Windows XP as a house with a second floor built of
| spackle, wood filler and duct tape.


Why Windows is a security nightmare.


Some studies last year estimated cost, but it's probably undervalued.

Study: Billions of dollars spent on security

,----[ Quote ]
| Large U.S. businesses will spend $61 billion on security by the end
| of this year, representing 7.3 percent of total IT budgets in the
| country, according to a new report from Info-Tech Research Group.


US lost $8 billion to computer crime

,----[ Quote ]
| Consumer reports' latest "State of the Net" survey has revealed that
| US punters lost more than $8 billion over the last two years to
| viruses, spyware and con tricks.
` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      | #FFFFFFF4 ADD &R1, "9999999", &BankAccount
http://Schestowitz.com  | Free as in Free Beer ¦  PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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