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Re: [News] The Myth: Microsoft Brings Job to American People

__/ [ AZ Nomad ] on Thursday 08 March 2007 18:58 \__

> On Tue, 06 Mar 2007 02:13:49 +0000, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>[I'm having second thoughts about this because it's a tad racist, but it's
>>"Dear Microsoft": An open letter to Microsoft regarding the outsourcing of
>>,----[ Quote ]
>>| Don't get it twisted: I don't have a problem with you outsourcing
>>| jobs to people that will work for next-to-nothing. It's just
>>| getting a bit out of hand, don't you think? I mean, there's no
>>| point trying to fool me.
> There's a whole industry that microsoft has spawned that won't be
> outsourced
> soon:  spyware/virus disinfection and OS repair.  The windows operating
> systems are so easily infected and corrupted that there's an industry
> for repair these machines.  Can't oursource the job as the machines have
> almost zero working networking.   Of course, there's little money in the
> business as who is going to pay $400 to disinfect a $299 computer?  Add
> another tick to Dell's bottom line as the machine is replaced instead of
> repaired.
> The loss of data due to microsoft's incompetance is another story.

That's where the (in)famous "IT industry insult" comes into play. An industry
of programmers competing with one another has evolved (or degraded through
gradual transformation) into an army of box booters and Registry 'expert',
serving a single company whose managers pile up the stash.

                ~~ Best wishes 

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