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[News] More Microsoft OneCare Bugs Emerge

Live Onecare loses own antivirus and a new kernel in SP1

,----[ Quote ]
| Onecare is an antivirus application as well as antispyware and
| antiphishing and lord knows what else not-very-well-tested
| additional functionality. So Onecare effectively lost track of
| some parts of itself. What is it with Microsoft, they're 
| definitely getting worse.


I cannot understand why people buy the worst performing product (and least
reputed/proven). This blogger appears to be a very loyal Microsoft customer.


Microsoft confirms OneCare zaps Outlook, Outlook Express e-mail

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Corp. has acknowledged that a bug in its Windows Live
| OneCare security suite has been causing users' e-mail to vanish
| from Outlook and Outlook Express.


Windows Live Onecare beta ate my hard disk 

,----[ Quote ]
| So when the 90 day trial expired, he thought it well worth the
| $90 or so which Microsoft asked for a licence. When he rung up,
| he was surprised to be informed that the Beast isn't yet selling
| the product outside America.
| So he was suddenly left with an XP machine that was defenceless
| and with plenty of data that was now unreadable.


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