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[News] Market Comes to Realisation That DRM is the Past

AnyDVD removes Blu-Ray DRM 

,----[ Quote ]
| Well, actually it is better than that, with a month to go, the 
| Blu-Ray support is here and it is not beta, it is real. Version
| does a lot, the biggest one is to strip the evil DRM
| infection from Blu-Ray and restore your fair use rights.


Barenaked Ladies: New Album. Free. No DRM. Now.

,----[ Quote ]
| The songs will only be free through the first few downloads, and
| will start to rise after that. But even at full price, listeners
| are getting quality music, DRM-free. Let?s hope other labels
| follow Nettwerk shortly. Market driven prices and no DRM =
| Music Nirvana.



An Economic Explanation For Why DRM Cannot Open Up New Business Model

,----[ Quote ]
| DRM is fundamentally opposed to this concept. It is not increasing
| value for the consumer in any way, but about limiting it. It takes
| the non-scarce goods, the very thing that helps increase value, and
| constrains them. Those non-scarce goods are what increase the pie
| and open up new opportunities for those who know where to capture
| the monetary rewards of that value (within other limited resources).
| DRM, on the other hand, holds back that value and prevents it from
| being realized. It shrinks the pie -- and no successful business
| models come out of providing less value and shrinking the overall
| pie. Fundamentally, DRM cannot create a successful new business
| model. It can only contain one.


iTunes DRM Inspires People to Pirate Content

,----[ Quote ]
| BitTorrent Inc president and co-founder, Ashwin Navin says that iTunes'
| DRM is "a time bomb waiting to happen," and that it will inspire
| people to pirate content. The irony is that his company is about to
| launch a video store that heavily implements Microsoft?s Windows DRM.


MPAA: Frustrated Consumers Will Pirate

,----[ Excerpt ]
| The MPAA's Brad Hunt outlined some of the ways the MPAA is working
| to standardize content protection controls in the age of digital
| home networking. But he also acknowledged that piracy is the
| consumer's answer to the content industry's inability to provide
| a simple digital-rights-management solution.


There Ain't No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

,----[ Quote ]
| 1) The product they want--electronic texts--are hard to find, and
| thus valuable.
| 2) The products they want are high-priced, so there's a fair
| amount of money to be saved by stealing them.
| 3) The legal products come with so many added-on nuisances
| that the illegal version is better to begin with.
| Those are the three conditions that will create widespread
| electronic copyright infringement, especially in combination.
| Why? Because they're the same three general conditions that
| create all large-scale smuggling enterprises.
| And . . .
| Guess what? It's precisely those three conditions that DRM 
| creates in the first place. So far from being an impediment
| to so-called "online piracy," it's DRM itself that keeps
| fueling it and driving it forward.


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