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Re: [News] Vista Snubs Multiboot; Getting Vista Laptop, Wiping It and Installing Linux

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Multiboot nightmare? Thy name is - Windows Vista
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Had Windows Vista boot loader may have incorporated these minor
> | things; it may have done real great job to its users. Instead,
> | it looks pretty obvious that it is bullying its user to forget
> | other Operating System and just use Windows Vista!
> `----
> I removed Vista and installed Linux on my Laptop...
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Who said that Linux doesn't have Eye candy? and who said that Linux
> | is a pain in the butt to install and configure? I installed Vista
> | and checked it, ok...cool Aero...! But believe me not as good as
> | Beryl...nice look and feel...not bad compared to GNOME on FC6 and
> | Ubuntu...!
> | 
> | My image towards Linux was that it should be a Server OS, it doesn't
> | need Word Processors and blah blah... Well...I was wrong, and I
> | reallized it the first day I tried to install Linux as a Workstation,
> | it ain't as bad and difficult as people think.
> `----
> http://blog.fourthirty.org/?p=23

This looks better and better for crossover office every day. In fact, it is
beginning to look like crossover office will run more Windows applications
than Vista. 

Every release of crossover office gets better. If things keep going as they
are, Linux will be the preferred platform for running legacy Windows
applications. You know, those applications that stop people from leaving
the Windows world ;)



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