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Re: [News] Microsoft Junk Patent Thrown Out in German Court

__/ [ Robert Newson ] on Sunday 04 March 2007 14:06 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> ...
>> Article now available in English:
>> Federal Patent Court declares FAT patent of Microsoft null and void
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | The Federal Patent Court has declared a Microsoft patent on the
>> | file allocation system File Allocation Table (FAT) invalid for
>> | the Federal Republic of Germany.
>> `----
>> http://www.heise.de/english/newsticker/news/86141/from/rss09
> I like this bit:
> ``In addition the patent claims had, in the opinion of the plaintiff,
> neither been sufficiently clearly defined nor revealed in their entirety.''
> In other words, the claims were vague[1] and broad to try and cover as much
> as possible, including stuff outside of what the patent was really trying
> to protect.
> [1]"sufficiently clearly defined" phrase suggests that the patent wasn't
> written in such a way that someone [knowledgeable in the art] could build
> the invention claimed - something patents require, don't they?

Patents -- referring to ownership of merely everything under the sun,
probably used /a priori/ by one among 6 billion people -- require and depend
on obscurity. Why else would Microsoft refuse to say what IP Linux infringes
on? Many requests have been made by the Linux community; all were ignored.
Some say that void and vague threats like these are illegal, at least in
some countries. Microsoft bends laws.

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Viruses to Linux are like cancer to a shark
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