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Re: Linux Eye Candy Improves Usability: Drag-and-drop Example

Op Tue, 27 Feb 2007 19:15:13 -0800, schreef linux.curious:

> Now if they could only figure out how to make scanners, printers,
> soundcards, joysticks, mice with more than 2 buttons, ATI video cards
> and a whole mess of other stuff work with Linux, we would be in
> business.
> But after 15 years, they still can't manage to do that.

Yeah, I couldn't agree more, it's almost sickening. Those hardware
manufacturers sure are lazy SOB's, supporting Windows, and nothing but
Windows - and even botching the job at that more often than not.

Luckily for us (and them), thousands of FOSS volunteers are willing to
spend time and effort on getting these things to work - often against the
odds, as no support or even hardware information from the manufacturers is
forthcoming. So ever more hardware "just works" with Linux, while ever
more hardware is declared "obsolete" for use under Windows because the
manufacturers can't be bothered to create updated drivers.

Richard Rasker

Linetec Translation and Technology Services


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