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[News] Mozilla Kicks off Discussion About Mozilla Desktop Environment

You've heard of KDE (the K Desktop Environment)? How about an MDE (hint:

,----[ Quote ]
| I'm a total beliver in the idea of a BBDE (browser-based desktop
| environment) and I think the slashdot entry hits the nail precisely
| on the head; the most difficult cat to skin in making a BBDE a
| reality is the persistence mechanism.  I'd also add to that the
| notion of mobility. True viability of any BBDE will depend on its
| ability to survive the rigors of mobile use. Translated, you have
| to be able to keep your data (and applications) on something like
| a USB-key and your data and apps have to be accessible as though
| you are online, even though you may be off-line. 


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