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[News] FSF Stance on Novell; GNOME SFLC Membership

GPL 3: Coming Saturday?

,----[ Quote ]
| [Stallman:] Novell and Microsoft have tried a new method: using
| Microsoft's patents to give an advantage to Novell customers only.
| If they get away with scaring users into paying Novell, they will
| deny users the most basic freedom, freedom zero: the freedom to
| run the program.
| Microsoft have been threatening free software with software patents
| for many years, but without a partner in our community, the only
| thing it could do was threaten to sue users and distributors. This
| had enough drawbacks that Microsoft has not yet tried it. Attacking
| in combination with a collaborator in our community was much more 
| attractive. 


GNOME Foundation Retains Software Freedom Law Center

,----[ Quote ]
| The Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC), provider of pro-bono legal
| services to protect and advance Free and Open Source Software,
| today announced the addition of a new client, the GNOME Foundation.


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