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Re: [News] Adobe Snubs Windows Vista; Symantec Finds Another Vista Weakness

__/ [ B Gruff ] on Tuesday 20 March 2007 15:11 \__

> On Tuesday 20 March 2007 14:33 Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Adobe Has No Plans To Make Current Products Windows Vista Compatible
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Adobe says it has no plans to issue updates to the current versions
>> | of its products to ensure Windows Vista compatibility.
>> `----
>> http://www.informationweek.com/news/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=198001898
> Ah - so they aren't going to patch current editions of Photoshop,
> Deamweaver etc?
> Instead, people have to buy new?
> Gosh - all those people who used to post here telling us how "Linux doesn't
> run Photoshop" are going to have to wait now until somebody actually buys
> one and puts it up as a torrent for them!

This always reminds me of this excellent bit from Forbed.

Publish And Perish

,----[ Quote ]
| Alexander Rose, the executive director of the futurist Long Now
| Foundation, worries about the impermanence of digital information.
| "If you save that computer for 100 years, will the electrical plugs
| look the same?" he asks. "The Mac or the PC--will they be around?
| If they are, what about the software? " So far there's no business
| case for digital preservation--in fact, for software makers like
| Microsoft, planned obsolescence is the plan.
| "The reality is that it's in companies' interest that software should
| become obsolete and that you should have to buy every upgrade,"
| Rose says. We could be on the cusp of a turning point, though, in the
| way businesses and their customers think about digital preservation.
| "Things will start to change when people start losing all of their personal 
| photos," Rose said.


Now, imagine having some personal files, be its photos, or documents, or tax
information. 5 years down the lines they may become inaccessible because 
current programs which are compatible with the current O/S are the only way
of interpreting these files. This is very bad to the users, whose data
'expires', but very good for vendors who can sell you stuff (interpreters)
over and over again? Sounds familiar? It's like DRM of one's personal data,
not just media.

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Quote when replying in non-real-time dialogues"
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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