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[News] Screenshots Gallery of the Newly-released Sabayon Linux Live DVD

Sabayon Linux v3.3 DVD

,----[ Quote ]
| Sabayon Linux, a LiveDVD distribution known for being based upon
| Gentoo and its inclusion of desktop eye-candy such as Beryl and XGL,
| has reached version 3.3. New in this Sabayon release is the Linux
| 2.6.20 kernel, X.Org 7.2 with AIGLX and Composite support, Beryl
| 0.2.0-rc2, updated NVIDIA and ATI drivers, and much more.



ANNOUNCE: Sabayon Linux 3.3 released

,----[ Quote ]
| Ladies and Gentlemen,
| we got it ! Thanks to all the developers involved in the beta testing 
| cycle! 


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ8IIyikhkc

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