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Re: Is Steve Ballmer Destroying Microsoft?

__/ [ John A. Bailo ] on Sunday 18 March 2007 20:23 \__

> peterwn wrote:
>> Or is the major shareholder so interested in chasing all sorts of
>> other things, he is not keeping a proper eye on the business.
> You have to realize that all of the principles involved in MS have so much
> wealth, beyond the dream of any human before or since,that expecting them
> to "care about the code" is ridiculous.
> People who "care" are not at such a lofty level.

Like RMS, Microsoft has moved on from coding to politics. It doesn't produce
software. It buys it instead. Meanwhile it flirts with the RIAA and ensures
its system works in line with the NSA's and RIAA's desires.

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      | What is all that lipstick in XP's close button?
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