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Re: MS offers money to use Live Search ..

__/ [ ed ] on Sunday 18 March 2007 17:48 \__

> On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 13:48:17 +0000
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Worse than Amazon. They also tried paying for use. That failed
>> miserably.
> oh! i think i remember this! it was a total disaster. now looks like
> things have turned quite a bit. maybe people will give up trying to
> make the windows stack work and the end user will get paid to put up
> with the crap.

They also have this little prank going. They claim to be helping 'charities'
if people use MSN Messenger. Rex would happily tell you about the role of
'charities' and the philanthropic agenda, which is more about gaining
sympathy than good will and altruism. It's all politics. Speaking of which,
Groklaw has found this article where Sun complains about ECMA, the
coin-in-the-slot 'standards' organisation. Like ISO and the US Patent
Office, they appear to be in it for the money. The more the merrier. It's
heavily influenced by politics. Just follow the money trail...

OOXML could cost ISO its reputation. It's looking like "unaccpetable

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      |  {Hide sig}    {Show sig}    >{Close Application}<
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